The Mysterious Whereabouts of Carissa

No, I didn't fall off the face of the Earth...rather, I have fallen into the abyss of never ending studying that nursing school demands.  I sincerely apologize that I have been unable to update my blog.  I hope that I will find some time this week to make a video...even if it's just a simple one.  On top of nursing school being crazy, we've had sick kids.  My little boy had pneumonia and my little girl was home today with some sort of bug.  I started antibiotics yesterday for a sinus infection.  We've just been one sick family.  Thankfully, my husband stepped up to play Mr. Mom while I went to school.  He even did laundry and is making dinner tonight too!  Wow.  I am so lucky.

I hope all of you are doing well.   There seems to be quite a few bugs going around our area.  I am really tired of everyone being sick.  It seems like everyone I know has had sick kids in the last two weeks.

I am officially done with my clinical rotation in OB and am moving into Pediatric nursing tomorrow.  I really enjoyed OB and am very sad to be leaving there.  There is always a little stress as we move from one area to another.  You just never know what to expect.  Sometimes you are pleasantly surprised...and sometimes you aren't.

Take care and enjoy your day!  Think of me while you craft!  I wish I were making a huge mess in my craft room right now, but unfortunately, the books call me. 

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