Sketch Book- A Charm To Make It My Own
Last week I started the Online Card Classes' Kick Start Class. I've taken several of their classes and I've loved every one of them {I highly recommend them}. I won't go in to the content of this class, but the first couple of lessons were about organizing your ideas.
My own process for brain storming often includes sketching ideas and brainstorming in a notebook of some sort. Usually, I grab the nearest thing I can find and start sketching and jotting down ideas. But I was really inspired to have a dedicated journal for my creative crafty stuff. So I went in search for the perfect journal....and I found Staples {It's the Arc notebook system by M}. The system itself is great, but I really felt like the journal needed a little embellishment to make it my own. I didn't want to make it anything I began to brainstorm and came up with this idea.
I go into quite a bit of detail in the video about this notebook system. I'll also walk you through the creation of my non permanent embellishment of the journal. Adding the charm and belly band was the perfect touch that this journal needed to make it feel more me.
My favorite part about this notebook that I found is the ability to customize it. It changes with me. And I wanted an embellishment for the front of it that would be easy to remove and change if I get sick of it. We all go through phases. Why not plan for it?
I hope you are having a great week! I am spending my next couple of days off at home, crafting and doing laundry. I am working on some Christmas and winter projects and it's 98 degrees outside! It would be much more inspiring if it was cold and rainy out! I sure hope it cools down soon!
Have a wonderful week!

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